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Руфь Такер, "От Иерусалима до края земли". Общая библиография

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Руфь Такер

От Иерусалима до края земли

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Общая библиография

Barker, William P. Who's Who in Church History. Old Tappan, N.J.: Revell, 1969.

Beaver, R. Pierce. American Protestant Women in World Mission. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1968.

Beaver, R. Pierce. Pioneers in Missions: The Early Missionary Ordination Sermons, Charges, and Instruction. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1966.

Bliss, Edwin, ed. Encyclopedia of Missions. 2 vols. New York: Funk and Wdgnalls, 1891.

Broadbent, E.H. The Pilgrim Church. London: Pickering & Inglis, 1978.

Coggins, Wade T. So That's What Missions Is All About. Chicago: Moody, 1975.

Coggins, Wade T. and Friien, E. L., Jr. Evangelical Missions Tomorrow. Pasadena: William Carey, 1977.

Cook, Harold R. Highlights of Christian Missions: A History and Survey. Chicago: Moody, 1967.

Deen, Edith. Great Women of the Christian Faith. New York: Harper & Row, 1959.

Douglas, James D., ed. The New International Dictionary of the Christian Church. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1974.

DuBose, Francis M., ed. Classics of Christian Missions. Nashville: Broadman, 1979.

Eddy, Sherwood. Pathfinders of the World Missionary Crusade. New York: Abingdon-Cokesbury, 1945.

Glover, Robert H. and Капе, J. Herbert. The Progress of World-Wide Missions. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1960.

Harrison, Eugene Myers. Giants of the Missionary Trail. Chicago: Scripture Press, 1954.

Heftey, James and Marti. By Their Blood: Christian Martyrs of the 20th Century. Milford, Mich.: Mart, 1979.

Hulbert, Terry C. World Missions Today. Wheaton: Evangelical Teacher Training Association, 1979.

Капе, J. Herbert. A Concise History of the Christian World Mission. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1978.

Капе, J. Herbert. A Global View of Christian Missions. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1971.

Капе, J. Herbert. Life and Work on the Mission Field. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1980.

Latourette, Kenneth Scott. A History of the Expansion of Christianity. 7 vols. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1970.

Neill, Stephen. A History of Christian Missions. New York: Penguin, 1964.

Neill, Stephen, et al. A Concise Dictionary of the Christian World Mission. New York: Abingdon, 1971.

Thiessen, John C. A Survey of World Missions. Chicago: Moody, 1961.

Winter, Ralph D. The Twenty-five Unbelievable Years, 1945 to 1969. Pasadena: William Carey, 1970.

Winter, Ralph D. and Hawthorne, Steven C., ed. Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. Pasadena: William Carey, 1981.

Wright, Elliott. Holy Company: Christian Heroes and Heroines. New York: Macmillan, 1980.


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