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Луис Беркхоф, "История христианских доктрин". ЛИТЕРАТУРА

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Луис Беркхоф

История христианских доктрин

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Allen, The Continuity of Christian Thought, Boston, 1885.

Boardman, A History of New England Theology, New York,1899.

Cunningham, Historical Theology, Edinburgh, 1870.

Crippen, History of Christian Doctrine, Edinburgh, 1883.

Fisher, History of Christian Doctrine, New York, 1901.

Foster, A History of New England Theology, Chicago, 1907.

Hagenbach, History of Doctrines, Edinburgh, 1880.

Harnack, History of Dogma, Boston, 1897-1905.

Harnack, Outlines of the History of Dogma, New York, 1893.

Klotche, An Outline of the History of Doctrines, Burlington, 1927.

Loofs, Handboek der Dogmengeschiedenis, Groningen, 1902.

McGiffert, History of Christian Thought, New York, 1932-33.

Neander, History of Christian Dogmas, London, 1858.

Orr, The Progress of Dogma, New York, 1902.

Otten, Manual of the History of Dogmas, St. Louis, 1922.

Seeberg, Textbook of the History of Doctrines, Philadelphia, 1905.

Shedd, History of Christian Doctrine, New York, 1889.

Sheldon, History of Christian Doctrine, New York, 1886.

Thomasius, Dogmengeschichte, Erlangen, 1874.




Addison, Life Beyond Death, New York, 1932.

Bavinck, Roeping en Wedergeboorte, Kampen, 1913.

Berkhof, The Assurance of Faith, Grand Rapids, 1928.

Berkhof, Vicarious Atonement Trough Christ, Grand Rapids, 1936.

Bruce, The Humiliation of Christ, New York, 1901.

Buchanan, The Doctrine of Justification, Edinburgh, 1867.

Candlish, The Kingdom of God, Edinburgh, 1884.

Case, The Millennial Hope, Chicago, 1918.

Dee, Het Geloofsbegrip van Calvijn, Kampen, 1918.

De Jong, De Leer der Verzoening in de Amerikaansche Theologie, Grand Rapids, 1913.

Dimock, The Doctrine of the Sacraments, London, 1908.

Dorner, History of Protestant Theology, Edinburgh, 1871.

Ebrard, Das Dogma vom heiligen Abendmahl, Frankfort a. M., 1845.

Emmen, De Christologie van Calvijn, Amsterdam, 1935.

Emerton, Unitarian Thought, New York, 1916.

Flew, The Idea of Perfection in Cristian Theology, Oxford, 1934.

Franks, A History of the Doctrine of the Work of Christ, New York.

Girardeau, Calvinism and Evangelical Arminianism, Columbia, 1890.

Hatch, The Organization of the Early Christian Churches, Oxford and Cambridge, 1881.

Hebert, The Lord's Supper, Unispired Teaching, London, 1897.

Henderson, The Religious Controversies of Scotland, Edinburg, 1905.

Heppe, Dogmatik des deutschen Protestantismus in sechzenten Jahrhundert, Gotha, 1857.

Heppe, Geschichte des Pietismus.

Hoekstra, Het Chiliasme, Kampen, 1903.

Hoffmann, Die Lehre von der Fides Implicita, Leipzig, 1903.

Illingworth, The Doctrine of the Trinity, London, 1907.

Innes, Church and State, A Historical Handbook, Edinburgh.

Impeta, De Leer der Heiligmaking en Volharding bij Wesley en Fletcher, Leiden, 1913.

Kerr, A God-Centered Faith, New York, 1935.

Kostlin, The Theology of Luther, Philadelphia, 1897.

Kramer, Het Verband van Doop en Wedergeboorte, Breukelen, 1897.

Lindsay, The Church and the Ministry in the Early Centuries, London, 1902.

Mackintosh, H. R., The Doctrine of the Person of Jesus Christ, New York, 1912.

Mackintosh, H. R., Immortality and the Future, New York, 1917.

Mackintosh, R., Christianity and Sin, New York, 1914.

Mackintosh, R., Historic Theories of the Atonement, London, 1920.

Mathews, The Growth of the Idea of God, New York, 1931.

Mathews, The Atonement and the Social Process, New York, 1930.

McGiffert, Protestant Thought Before Kant, New York, 1911.

McGiffert, The Rise of Modern Religious Ideas, New York, 1915.

McPherson, The Doctrine of the Church in Scottish Theology, Edinburgh, 1903.

Moore, Protestant Thought Since Kant, New York, 1922.

Morgan, The Importance of Tertullian in the Development of Christian Dogma, London, 1928.

Moxon, The Doctrine of Sin, New York, 1922.

Mozley, The Doctrine of the Atonement, New York, 1916.

Olthuis,  De Doopspraktijk der Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland, Utrecht, 1908.

Orchard, Modern Theories of Sin, London, 1909.

Ottley, The Doctrine of the Incarnation, London, 1896.

Peters, The Theocratic Kingdom, New York, 1884.

Ritschl, History of the Christian Doctrine of Justification and Reconciliation, Edinburgh, 1872.

Robertson, Regnum Dei, New York, 1901.

Robinson, The Christian Doctrine of Man, Edinburgh, 1920.

Rutgers, Premillennialism in America, Goes, 1930.

Sanday, Christologies Ancient and Modern, New York, 1910.

Schaff, Creeds of Christendom, New York, 1877.

Schweitzer, Die Protestantischen Centraldogmen, Zurich, 1854.

Stevens, The Christian Doctrine of Salvation, New York, 1905.

Storr, The Development of English Theology in the Nineteenth Century, London, 1913.

Swete, The Forgiveness of Sins, London, 1917.

Talma, De Anthropologie van Calvijn, Utrecht, 1882.

Tennant, The Origin and Propagation of Sin Cambridge, 1906.

Van den Bergh, Calvijn over het Genadeverbond t1879.

Walker, The Theology and Theologians of Scotland, Edin­burgh, 1888.

Wall, History of Infant Baptism, Oxford, 1836.

Warfield, Calvin and Calvinism, London, 1931.

Warfield, Studies in Perfectionism, London, 1931.

Wiggers, Augustinianism and Pelaganianism, Andover, 1840.

Workman, Christian Thought to the Reformation, New York, 1911.



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