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Online quizzes on Calvinism

Other online quizzes on Calvinism

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Do you understand the Calvinist doctrine of salvation?

All questions have TWO right answers

1. The "five points of calvinism" ...
  are five points written by John Calvin and later disputed by Jacobus Arminius
  were written by the followers of John Calvin in order to summarize the whole doctrine of the Gospel
  are the very essence of the teaching of John Calvin
  are five points of Calvinist soteriology which were derived from the decisions of the Synod of Dort
  summarize the Calvinist answer to the "five articles of Remonstrance" which were written by the followers of Jacobus Arminius
2. "Total depravity" means that...
  man didn't have free will from the very beginning
  there is nothing good in man
  every faculty of man is corrupted by sin
  sin destroyed the human nature
  man is as sinful as he could be
  man is neither able nor willing to return to God
3. "Unconditional election" means that...
  man must not do anything to obtain salvation
  election is not conditioned by man's faith, but conditioned by his perseverance in faith
  faith is not the reason but the result of God's election
  among all other conditions for election God chose only one: faith
  God's election is not conditioned by any qualities of man, including faith
4. "Limited atonement" means that...
  the atonement is effective for all people but it is limited by their free choice
  by his death Christ effectively saved only the elect
  God calls to faith through the Gospel only a limited number of people
  God definitely saves some people and not just gives them a chance
  The death of Christ is not sufficient to atone for the sins of all people
5. "Irresistable grace" means that...
  in a certain moment each of God's elect is effectually regenerated
  the elect is never able to reject God's grace
  man is never able to reject God's grace
  all men that were given to the Son by the Father, will definitely come to Him
  man believes in God contrary to his own will
6. Man attains the assurance of salvation...
  by the faith in God's promises
  by observing in himself the fruits of election: faith in Christ, a godly sorrow for sin, a hungering after righteousness
  only by a special experience when the Holy Spirit says to man that he is saved
  by a deep self-examination when he considers all his positive and negative sides
  if he lives in faith for a long time
7. "Perseverance of the saints" means that...
  after their conversion the saints always do what God wants them to do
  the saints never deviate from the guidance of God's grace
  the elect will be saved regardless of their lifestyle
  God does not wholly withdraw the Holy Spirit from the saints even in their falls
  God confirms and powerfully preserves the saints in grace
8. With respect to the non-elect God...
  leaves them to their own sin and obduracy
  inclines them to sin
  restrains the manifestations of their sin
  does not call them through the Gospel because he does not want that
  does not call them through the Gospel because it is meaningless
9. Calvinists believe that the Gospel...
  should be preached without asking ourselves whether listeners are elect or not
  should not be preached, because in the end it is meaningless
  should be preached to all people
  should not be preached, because it is not permitted to intervene in God's predestination
  should be preached to those only whom God points out to us
  should be preached to the elect only
10. About the freedom of the will Calvinists teach that...
  God never gave the freedom of the will to man
  the true freedom is the freedom to serve God
  before the fall Adam had the freedom of the will but never used it
  God suppresses the freedom of the will
  regenaration restores man in his freedom

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Евангельская Реформатская Семинария Украины

  • Лекции квалифицированных зарубежных преподавателей;
  • Требования, которые соответствуют западным семинарским стандартам;
  • Адаптированность лекционных и печатных материалов к нашей культуре;
  • Реалистичный учебный график;
  • Тесное сотрудничество между студентами и местными преподавателями.

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