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Online quizzes on Calvinism

Other online quizzes on Calvinism

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How well do you know the history of Calvinism?

1. The Reformed church originated with...
  Philipp Melanchthon
  John Calvin
  John Piper
  Huldrych Zwingli
2. In which countries is (was) Calvinism the most wide-spread Christian confession? Choose FOUR right answers
  The Netherlands
3. John Calvin was a...
4. In Geneva John Calvin was... (choose TWO right answers)
  the minister of a local church
  the sole ruler
  the ideologist of church reforms
  one of the richest men of the city
  the leader of a Reformed political party
5. What did puritans advocate and promote? (choose TWO right answers)
  a continuation of the Reformation
  a rejection of Reformed theology
  a use of all kinds of musical instruments in worship
  a unity with Roman Catholics
  a weakening of the state control over the church
6. What were the TWO main questions in the polemics between Lutherans and Reformed in the XVIth century?
  Speaking in tongues
  Infant Baptism
  Justification through faith
  Lord's Supper
7. What happened during the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre?
  a truce between Calvinists and Roman Catholics
  a conflict between Lutherans and Roman Catholics
  a murder of the leader of French Calvinists
  a massacre of French Calvinists
  a massacre which was immediately condemned by the Roman Catholic church
8. Who among the following revivalists were consistent Calvinists? (choose TWO right answers)
  Jonathan Edwards
  Charles Finney
  Alexander Campbell
  George Whitefield
9. Who among the following theologians were members of the Reformed churches? (choose FOUR right answers)
  Karl Barth
  James Arminius
  Philip Schaff
  Abraham Kuyper
  Martin Luther
10. Who among the following people were members of the Reformed churches? (choose FOUR right answers)
  Desiderius Erasmus, a philosopher and linguist
  Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, a scientist
  William III of England, a sovereign Prince of Orange
  Hugo Grotius, a jurist and philosopher
  Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States
  Thomas à Kempis, a theologian

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Евангельская Реформатская Семинария Украины

  • Лекции квалифицированных зарубежных преподавателей;
  • Требования, которые соответствуют западным семинарским стандартам;
  • Адаптированность лекционных и печатных материалов к нашей культуре;
  • Реалистичный учебный график;
  • Тесное сотрудничество между студентами и местными преподавателями.

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