May Christians belong to a political party or take part in voting?


This is an actual question for Ukraine in 2006!

First I want to make a clear distinction between the task of the church and the responsibility of the individual Christian.


The Church

a. The task of the church is first of all to preach Christ, call people to repentance, give pastoral care to the members of the congregation:

        in Mat. 28, 18-18 the apostles receive the task to make all the people disciples of Christ

Abraham Kuyper

         Acts 6, 1-4 shows how the apostles of the first congregation in Jerusalem defined their task: to pray with the people and to preach the Gospel; the care for the poor members of the congregation was also seen as a core task

         in Acts 20, 20-21 Paul looks back on his service among Jews and pagans – which existed in teaching, calling to repentance and faith in Christ.

         in Acts 20, 28 Paul defines the service of the elders of the church: ‘watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which He bought with his own blood.’

b. The task of the church is also to pray for the all people and for the authorities - 1Tim. 2, 1-2:

‘I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.’

c. In some cases the church has the task to ‘obey God rather then men’ (Acts 5, 29). In 1934 the German ‘confessing church’ protested against the anti-Semitic measures of Hitler and in the Soviet time brave Christians in the USSR told their children about Christ.

d. The church should never become the representative or promoter of a political group or party. What binds us together in the church is the blood of Jesus Christ (Eph. 2, 11f.). The calling of the church is to point to Christ, to keep Him in the center of its sermons and service. If Christ is pushed aside because of politics or other human ideals, the church fails its calling! (1Cor. 9, 19-22)


The Christian

a. Christians are personal responsible before God – to glorify Him, to be a living member of the congregation (1Pt. 2), but also to serve his neighbor in the world:

-         Jesus commands his disciples to be ‘salt of the earth’ (Mat. 5, 13) – with the testimony of Christians in public life this world loses its real flavor!

-         Christians should show through their personal life – in their work and family and in society that the belief in Christ as the Lord of our lives makes us different people. Christians do not want to participate in corruption and unlawful behavior which is so common in this world. Remember that Paul wrote about the obedience to the authorities in a time when there was as much corruption and abuse as today! (Rom. 13)

-         Christians must proclaim in public that God is the King of this world and that there is nothing in this world that should not be subjected to the Word of God (1Cor. 10, 26). A famous saying of the Reformed Dutch statesman Abraham Kuyper was: “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: ‘Mine!”

-         neglect of the Law of God leads to corruption and destruction of state and society. ‘The Law of God is the only dress that suits this world’.

Why is that? Because God is the Creator! He knows how this world has to function and how it has to be governed. He tells us so in His Word and Christians should show this in their own lives and proclaim God’s Lordship to ‘all creation’ (Mark 16, 15).

-         Christians sometimes think that to be involved in politics means just to make ‘dirty hands’ and that we should not be involved in it. But Paul tells that we cannot leave this world (1Cor. 5, 10). We have a task in this world: ‘to be children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe’ (Phil. 2, 15).


b. People sometimes think they can create a ‘happy new world’ through politics. This humanist dream will never become true. It is only Christ who will make all things new (Rev. 21, 5). All our political efforts are in vain without Christ: ‘What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?’ (Luk. 9, 25)

But this does not mean that politics or social efforts that do not result in the conversion of people are without meaning. To fight for justice and peace is in full accordance with God’s revealed will in the Ten Commandments (Ex. 20). For this reason God ordered secular authorities to be obeyed (Rom. 13, 1f.). when Christians strive for justice and peace in society this belongs to the proclamation of the Lordship of Christ in this world![1]



My answer to the initial question may be clear: Christians should strive to be salt and light in this world and for this reason it is good when they participate in voting or in Christian political or social activities. Just complaining about the violations of the law of God or social evil (corruption; abortion; addictions; the lack of care for orphans, old people etc.) is too easy. As Christians we can use our gifts by making a contribution to Christian politics which give opportunities to make the love of God for His own creation visible in this world. The crucial point in Christian involvement in politics is the motivation: Christ is Lord – and all the world belongs to Him!



Some Literature

- Йохем Даума, Введение в христианскую этику, Санкт-Петербург. 2001.

- Абрахам Кайпер, Христианское мировоззрение. Лекции по кальвинизму. Санкт-Петербург. 2002.


[1] Йохем Даума, Введение в христианскую этику, Санкт-Петербург. 2001. стр. 99 итд.

Евангельская Реформатская Семинария Украины

  • Лекции квалифицированных зарубежных преподавателей;
  • Требования, которые соответствуют западным семинарским стандартам;
  • Адаптированность лекционных и печатных материалов к нашей культуре;
  • Реалистичный учебный график;
  • Тесное сотрудничество между студентами и местными преподавателями.


1. Bir
19.05.2014 | 18:49
Hi! Thank you I am happy to read about politics and the church. This will guide my voting rights, as a follow of Jesus Christ our savior and Lord God. Thank you again.
Bir kaur